Configure NSPanel Manager
Access NSPanel Manager web interface
For docker users, simply connect to: http://your-server-ip:8000
For Home Assistant users having installed the Home Assistant Add-on, simply connect tp: http://<your-home-assistant-address>:8000
Initial setup
When first logging into the NSPanel Manager web interface you will be greeted by a configuration wizard:
![Configuration wizard](/images/doc/initial_setup_popup.png)
- Click next
- Fill up requested information
This guide will help you set up the required items in order to have a functional setup.
The following is a walkthrough of what to enter:
Manager config
- Manager address - This address is sent to NSPanel over MQTT when the request to connect with a manager. This can be loaded from the URL using the "Load from URL" button. This address needs to be reachable by all NSPanels.
- Manager port - This port that will be used to connect to the address above.
MQTT config
- MQTT address - The address to your MQTT broker. If you are running your MQTT broker as an addon to Home Assistant, enter you Home Assistant address (only IP).
- MQTT port - The port to connect to your MQTT broker.
- MQTT username - The username to authenticate to your MQTT broker. Leave empty if you don´t use authentication.
- MQTT password - The password to authenticate to your MQTT broker. Leave empty if you don´t use authentication.
Home Assistant config (optional)
- Home Assistant address - The address to your Home Assistant instance. This address should include "http" or "https" in the beginning and ":8123" (change to your port) at the end.
- Home Assistant token - The long lived access token used to authenticate to Home Assistant.
OpenHAB (optional)
- OpenHAB address - The address to your OpenHAB instance. This address should include "http" or "https" in the beginning and ":8123" (change to your port) at the end.
- OpenHAB token - The access token used to authenticate to OpenHAB.
- Congrats you have finished the initial setup and you can now use NSPanel Manager.
- If you are willing to learn more about the Web interface, please read this.